Fjola Helgadottir's Publications, Talks and Media Appearances

Dr Fjola Helgadottir

Peer-reviewed journal articles

  • Menzies, R.M., Coutts-Bain, D., Richmond, B. & Helgadóttir, F.D. (2025). Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of Overcome Death Anxiety: An Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Intervention in a Clinical Sample. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, January 27, 1-9. More…
  • Menzies, R.M., Julien, A., Sharpe, L., Menzies, R. G., Helgadóttir, F.D. & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2023). Overcoming death anxiety: a phase I trial of an online CBT program in a clinical sample. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, March 24, 1-6. More…
  • Björnsdóttir, R.R., Helgadóttir, F.D. & Sighvatsson, M.B. (2023). Evaluating the Efficacy of an Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention for fertility stress in women: A Feasibility Study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 51, 180-185. More…
  • Sigurðardóttir, S., Helgadóttir, F.D., Menzies, R.E., Sighvatsson, M.B. & Menzies, R.G. (2022). Improving adherence to a web-based cognitive-behavioural therapy program for social anxiety with group sessions: A randomised control trial Internet Interventions 28. More…
  • Menzies, R.E., Sharpe, L., Helgadottir, F.D. , & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2021). Overcome Death Anxiety: The Development of an Online Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Programme for Fears of Death. Behavior Change 38 (4), 235-249. More…
  • McCall, H., Helgadottir, F.D., Menzies, R. Hadjistavropoulos, H. , & Chen, F.S. (2019). An Evaluation of Community Outcomes for a Web-Based Social Anxiety Intervention Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 (4), e11566. Open Access…
  • Menzies, R., Packman, A., Onslow, M., O'Brian, S., Jones, M., & Helgadottir, F. D. (2019). In-Clinic and Standalone Internet Cognitive Behavior Therapy Treatment for Social Anxiety in Stuttering: A Randomized Trial of iGlebe. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 62 (6), 1614-1624. More…
  • Gunn, A., Menzies, R., Onslow, M., O'Brian, S., Packman, A., Lowe, R, Helgadottir, F.D., & Jones, M. (2019). Phase I trial of a standalone internet social anxiety treatment for adolescents who stutter: iBroadway.. International Journal of Language &smp; Communication Disorders 54 (6), 927-939. More…
  • Menzies, R., O'Brian, S., Packman, A., Jones, M., Helgadottir, F. D. & Onslow, M. (2019). Supplementing stuttering treatment with online CBT: An experimental trial. Journal of Communication Disorder, 80, 81-91 More…
  • McCall, H., Richardson, C., Helgadottir, F., & Chen, F.S. (2018). Evaluating a web-based social anxiety intervention: a randomized controlled trial among university students. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20 (3):e91 (Impact factor 5.1) DOI: 10.2196/jmir.8630. Open Access…
  • Lowe, R., Helgadottir, F. D. Menzies, R., O'Brian, S. Packman, A. & Onslow, M. (2017). Safety behaviors and stuttering. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 1246-1253. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. D., Menzies, R., Onslow, M., Packman, A. & O'Brian, S. (2014). A standalone Internet cognitive behavior therapy treatment for social anxiety in adults who stutter: CBTpsych. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 41, 47-54. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. D., Menzies, R., Onslow, M., Packman, A. & O'Brian, S. (2014). Safety behaviors in speech treatment for adults who stutter. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57, 1308-1313 More…
  • Helgadottir, F. D. & Fairburn, C. G. (2014). Web-centred Training in Psychological Treatments: A Study of Therapist Preferences. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 52, 61-63. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. D., Menzies, R. & Einstein, D. (2012). Magical thinking and obsessive compulsive disorder in Australia and Iceland: A cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 1, 216-219. More…
  • Einstein, D. A., Menzies, R.G., St Clare, T., Drobny, J., & Helgadottir, F. D. (2011). The treatment of magical ideation in two individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 4, 16-29. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. D., Menzies, R., Onslow, M., Packman, A. & O'Brian, S. (2009a). Online CBT I: Bridging the gap between Eliza and modern online CBT treatment packages. Behaviour Change, 26 (4), 245-253. Cambridge Journal. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. D., Menzies, R., Onslow, M., Packman, A. & O'Brian, S. (2009b). Online CBT II: A Phase I trial of a standalone, online CBT treatment program for social anxiety in stuttering. Behaviour Change, 26 (4), 254-270. Cambridge Journal. More…
  • Drummond, P.D., Back, K., Harrison, J., Dogg Helgadottir, F., Lange, B., Lee, C. (2007). Blushing During Social interactions in people with fear of blushing. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45 (7), 1601-1608. More…

Articles on mental health

  • Helgadottir, F. (2015). Why Feeling Invisible Could Be a Key to Feeling Better Psychology Today. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2015). What is it Like to Have Schizophrenia? Psychology Today. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2015). Depression: Is There a Smartphone App for That? Psychology Today. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2014). Fighting Addiction with Technology Psychology Today. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2014). Diagnosing Dementia by Getting Lost in Virtual Worlds. Psychology Today. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2014). Why Virtual Humans Make Better Listeners Psychology Today. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2014). Ethical Robots and Brain Implants for Mental Illness Psychology Today. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2014). Do Humans Make Bad Therapists? Psychology Today. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2014). Man vs Machine: The Ultimate Therapist Showdown Part 1 Psychology Today. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2014). Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Therapy: Your next therapist may be a computer, but don't expect any small talk. Psychology Today. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2014). Computerized Therapy: Will Your Next Therapist Be a Computer?. Psych Central. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2014). Top 5 Myths about Computerized Therapy. Psych Central. More…
  • Helgadottir, F. (2014). The Future of Computerized Therapy. Psych Central. More…
  • CBT for individuals who stutter. Grapevine Newsletter, Speak Easy Association. Sydney, Australia More…
  • Memorial letter: the negative role of psychics for grieving individuals. Icelandic Psychology Societies' Online Newsletter. Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Toti tolvukall: overview of the use of automated methods in mental health. Icelandic Psychology Societies' Online Newsletter. Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Let's get out of the closet: the role of safety behaviours in everyday life. Icelandic Psychology Societies' Online Newsletter. Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Critical thinking is the best saving tip . Icelandic Psychology Societies' Online Newsletter. Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Co-editor of V66. Election were held in Verzlunarskoli Islands for this role. Author of two Magazine articles in V66 in 2000. One article was about the overuse of mental drugs, and the other was on the social impact of psychics in Iceland.

Co-authoring posters at scientific conferences

  • Depression in Young People. Poster presented at the 34th EACBT conference, 8-11 September 2004. Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Poster at the 26th Annual International School Psychology Colloquium July 2004. School Psychology in the 21st Century - Whose Needs? Whose Benefits? Exeter, United Kingdom.
  • The Science Days series of the The Icelandic University Hospital in Iceland. The latest results from the prevention of depression project, May 2004. Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Prevention of Depression in Adolescents, 22nd Nordic Congress on Psychology: Psychology in a World of Change and Diversity, August 2004. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Conference talks

  • 2024 in Toronto, Canada. Panel at the Ontario Psychological Assocation 77th annual conference. Title: AI in Psychology: Embracing Opportunities and Addressing Concerns Panelist Dr. Peter Farvolden, Dr. Fjola Helgadottir & Dr. Siri Sadeh-Sharvit.
  • 2023 in Seoul, South Korea Chairing a session on the latest development in online treatments at the 10th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Title of Dr. Helgadottir's talk: Evaluation of a Computerized CBT program: Overcome Fertility Stress. Authors Rakel Rut Björnsdóttir, Fjóla Dögg Helgadóttir & Magnús Blöndahl Sighvatsson.
  • 2019 in Berlin, Germany Chairing a session on the latest development in online treatments at the 9th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Title of AI-Therapy's talk: Unguided online cognitive behavior therapy in university and community samples: AI-Therapy’s Overcome Social Anxiety program. Authors Hugh McCall, Fjola Helgadottir, Frances Chen, Ross Menzies, Heather Hadjistavropoulos, Chris Richardsson.
  • 2018 in Reykjavik, Iceland Presentation in Harpa at the Women Leader Global Forum. BIG DATA BIAS. In cooperation with the OECD. Design of data-driven instruments and algorithms must factor in gender-based dynamics at play. There is major scope to improve transparency and accountability. Lead Conversationists: Cathy Cobey, Global Trusted AI Advisory Leader, EY; Smari McCarthy, Member of Parliament, co-founder of Pirate Party, Iceland; Fjola Helgadottir, co-founder of AI-therapy; Pinar Guven, Policy Analyst, Public Governance at OECD solutions to improve accountability. More…
  • 2017 in San Franciso, USA Roundtable at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) titled: Harmful Safety Behavior or Helpful Coping Strategy? Understanding Client Behavior in the Face of Anxiety. Chair: Fjola Helgadottir, Discussant: Charles Taylor, Presenters: Andrea Ashbaugh, Melissa Plasencia Dr. Melisa Robichaud. More…
  • 2014 in the United Kingdom. Symposium at the 42nd British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) in July 2014. Uncovering the role of safety seeking behaviours in anxiety disorders – an update on recent clinical findings and the therapist’s role. Discussant: Paul Salkovksis. Chair: Freda MacManus. Speakers: Brynjar Halldorsson, Fjola Dogg Helgadottir, Kate Muse and Claire Mein, Birmingham, United Kingdom. More…
  • 2013 in Lima, Peru Symposium at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies WCBCT, July 2013. Symposium Title: The latest developments in internet-based treatments of common mental disorders. Chair: Per Carlbring. Speakers: Gerhard Anderson, Per Carlbring, Fjola Dogg Helgadottir, Pim Cuijpers, Nickolai Titov. Peru, Lima. More…
  • 2013 in Lima, Peru Helgadottir, F.D., Menzies, R.G., Jones, M. World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies WCBCT July, 2013. Open paper: Title: Superstitious behaviour in Iceland during and after the global financial crisis simulates the aetiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Peru, Lima. More…
  • 2012 in the United Kingdom Dr. Fjola Helgadottir. From concept to reality: A case study in commercialising psychology research with AI-Therapy. January 23, 2013. Department of Psychiatry, The University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom. More… Dr Fjola Helgadottir
  • 2011 in Reykjavik, Iceland Helgadottir, F. D. 41st EACBT Congress, September 2011. Symposium title: Internet-delivered CBT. A recipe for online treatment of social anxiety: a closer look at the ingredients. Chair Gerhard Andersson. Speakers: Fjola Dogg Helgadottir, Per Carlbring, Brjann Ljotsson. Reykjavik, Iceland. More…
  • 2010 in Boston, USA Helgadottir, F. D. & Menzies, R. World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, June, 2010. Open Paper: Fully-automated, online CBT program for social anxiety: Phase II trial findings. Boston, U.S.A. More…
  • 2010, in Melbourne, Australia Helgadottir, F. D. Tracy Goodall Early Career Awardee presentation at the AACBT 33rd National Conference held in the Grand Hyatt, April 17th-20th, 2010. This prestigious award recognises research or clinical innovation that has made an outstanding contribution to the field of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Melbourne, Australia. More…
  • 2009 in Oslo, Norway Helgadottir, F. D. & Menzies, R. Individual Paper. New paradigm in internet treatments: a case study of social anxiety in stuttering. The 11th European Congress of Psychology, 7-10 July 2009. Oslo, Norway. More…
  • 2009 in Sydney, Australia Helgadottir, F. D. Postgraduate Research Conference, Session 7 Mental health. Individual Paper. November 2009 Preliminary findings. Faculty of Health Sciences. Sydney, Australia.
  • 2009 in Perth, Australia Helgadottir, F. D. & Menzies, R. AACBT 32nd National Conference, 5-9 September 2009. Paper session: Anxiety and Eating Disorders. An automated, online CBT program for social anxiety: Preliminary findings from Phase II trial. Perth, Australia.
  • 2008 in Adelaide, Australia Helgadottir, F. D. & Menzies, R. Individual Paper. An Internet CBT treatment program for social anxiety in stuttering: Preliminary data Phase I. 31st National AACBT Conference, 17-21 September 2008. Adelaide, Australia.
  • 2007 in Sydney, Australia Helgadottir, F. D. & Menzies, R. Interactive CBT Internet Treatment for social phobia among stutterers. Biennial Faculty of Health Sciences Postgraduate Research Student Conference. The University of Sydney, 1-2 November 2007. Sydney, Australia. More…

Past Lectures

  • 2018 in Reykjavík, Iceland Psychology and Computers. November, 1st @ 12.00. Talk at the annual meeting of the Association of Clinical Psychologists in Iceland.
  • 2018 in Reykjavík, Iceland 12. October & 13. October, Workshop on Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Panic Disorder as part of the Icelandic CBT specialist program in collaboration with Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre (OCTC).
  • 2018 in Reykjavík, Iceland Geta tölvur verið góðir þerapistar? 18. september 2018 @ 19.00, Veröld Vigdísar, Háskóla Íslands.
  • 2018 in Vancouver, Canada Guest Speaker for VGH OT's. July 24th, 2018 @ 9.30 am, at Evergreen Kitsilano, BC.
  • 2018 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Invited talk at the Univeristy of Michigan, USA. Title: Translating Clinical Psychology Treatments into Algorithms: Successes and Challenges
  • More… Dr Fjola Helgadottir
  • 2016 in Vancouver, Canada Can machines be good therapists? We need computerized therapy, not computerized therapists. June 1st, 2016 @ 1pm. The Vancouver CBT Centre, Vancouver, Canada.
  • 2015 in Vancouver, Canada At Providence Health Care psychology lectures series. Title of the talk "Learn How Psychologists are using the Internet to Deliver Evidence-Based Treatments."
  • 2011 in Australia Helgadottir, F. D. Lecture for the clinical college of the Australia Psychology Society, February 28th, 2011. 10 reasons why clinical psychologist should be thrilled about modern technology! Vibe Hotel, Sydney, Australia. More…
  • Guest lectures on psychopathology, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia.


  • 2019 in Manchester, UK
  • 2016 in Vancouver BC, Canada:
    Dr. Fjola Helgadottir spoke about behavioural activation as a treatment for depression on the Beautiful Minds radio show. Click here to listen…
  • 2015 in Washington DC, USA:
    AI-Therapy was featured in Science Magazine's Podcast and the July 17th 2015 publication in an article called The synthetic therapist. The treatment program is referred to as CBTpsych, however its correct name is AI-Therapy.

Workshops held:

  • When Fear causes Fear. 1-day workshop on diagnosis and treatemnt using CBT for Panic Disorder. Hosted March 2019 as part of CBT accreditation in Iceland in collaboration with Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre (OCTC). Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands.
  • When Fear causes Fear. 2-day workshop on diagnosis and treatemnt using CBT for Panic Disorder. Hosted October 2018 as part of CBT accreditation in Iceland in collaboration with Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre (OCTC). Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands.
  • Dr Fjola Helgadottir. Building a evidence based webtraining for therapists. Advanced CBT-E workshop, 2012. Department of Psychiatry, The University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
  • Fjola Dogg Helgadottir. Thursday 19th February 2010: Workshop at the SpeakEasy Convention, Workshop: What CBT can offer people who stutter. Sydney, Australia. More…

Media Interviews and Articles

  • Interviewed in 2019 by the Wall Street Journal, USA for the article titled: AI Could Prevent Marital Arguments Before They Even Begin More…
  • Interviewed in 2019 by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), UK for the article in Machine Minds titled: How your voice hides clues about your love life More…
  • Rás 2, Iceland January, 2019. Computerized therapy for social anxiety (Icelandic). Síðdegisútvarpið hér…
  • Rás 1, Iceland January, 2019. Discussing how computers can be good therapists using comptuerized therapy (Icelandic). Mannlegi þátturinn hér…
  • RÚV, Iceland October, 2018. Icelandic national 10 news. Discussion on Body Dysmorphic Disorder More…
  • Stöð 2, Iceland September, 2018. Icelandic TV series covering the psychological impact of the financial collapse of 2008. More…
  • Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, Canada, February, 2018. An article I wrote was published in the Travel section titled: Turkmenistan for two. More…
  • Featured in 2016 in United Kingdom's Telegraph in an article titled: How Excel Spreadsheets can help you make major life decisions. More…
  • Interviewed in 2016 by the Australian Sydney Morning Herald for the article titled: What is life like for women in Iceland, the world’s most woman-friendly country? More…
  • Interviewed in 2015 for Science Magazine in the USA on the development of AI-Therapy. This work started as my PhD project and was called CBTpsych. Here is a link to Iceland Review covering the feature. Title: Icelandic Researcher Featured in Science Magazine
  • Interviewed in 2015 Iceland for the TV series Hindurvitni. The show is an Icelandic educational (edutainment) show covering superstitions and magical thinking. My interview was on the psychological impact of magical thinking and its links to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Furthermore, I discussed my research on Icelandic superstitions.
  • Interviewed in Iceland, November 13, 2014 by Marta María at Smartland. Topic: Helping those with fertility problems to find happiness. More….
  • Interviewed in Iceland, September 30th 2013 by Malín Brand at Morgunblaðið. Topic: Stress and anxiety for those trying to conceive, and the development of an online CBT program to tackle this. More….
  • Interviewed in Iceland, September 8th 2013 by Hrund Þórsdóttir at Stöð 2. Topic: AI-Therapy's Overcome Social Anxiety reaches people who otherwise would not seek help. More…
  • Interviewed in Iceland, November 4th 2012 by Anna Lilja at Topic: AI-Therapy is not trying to cut out psychologists, but rather reach a wider audience. More…
  • Interviewed in Iceland, July 30th, 2012. National Channel 1. Ten minute radio discussion about Superstition in Iceland. More…
  • Interviewed in Iceland, July 29th, 2012. Superstitious behaviour increased in the wake of the financial crisis in Iceland. More…
  • Interviewed in Iceland, July 29th, 2012. Superstition among highly educated people in Iceland. More…
  • Interviewed in Iceland, September 14th, 2009 by the radio talk show Siddegisutvarpid (The Afternoon show). The discussion was about the computer psychologist I designed for my PhD. Reykjavik, Iceland. More…
  • Interviewed in Iceland, September 29th, 2009 by the Icelandic newspaper Frettabladid. Translation of the title is Designed a computer psychologist. Reykjavik, Iceland. More…
  • In Australia. President's report on the Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (AACBT) conference in Melbourne. Dr Alina Morawska, AACBT Queensland's Branch Newsletter, 2nd edition, June 2010. Queensland, Australia. More…
  • In Australia. The Winter 2010 edition of the Baseline magazine, an article covers Fjola Dogg Helgadottirs's award speech at the 33rd AACBT in Melbourne, Australia. More…
  • iIn Iceland. Interviewed on December 18th 2009 by The Icelandic newspaper Morgunbladid. Translation of title: Spending christmas on top of Kilimanjaro. Reykjavik, Iceland. More…
  • In Iceland. Interviewed by the project setup in honour of Vigdis Finnbogadottir, whom 30 years ago became Iceland's, and the world's, first democratically voted female president of state. Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • In AustraliaInterviewed on Fremantle Radio 107.9 on the psychology of superstitions. May 2008, Perth, Australia.
  • In Iceland, 15th of July, 2004 the television talk show Island i bitid (Goodmorning Iceland) interviewed Fjola Dogg Helgadottir and Margret Gudjonsdottir regarding the research results from their psychology honours thesis from the University of Iceland. A 10 minute spot included an open panel discussion of the primary findings. More…