About AI-Therapy

AI-Therapy creates online fully automated programs using the latest evidence-based treatments, such as cognitive behavioural therapy. The social anxiety program has been tested with a randomized controlled trial. To find out more visit:

These results were generate by Mean, mode and median on September 22, 2023 at 12:54 PM (UTC).


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Number of samples600
Standard error of the mean0.039
95% confidence interval for the mean[0.579, 0.734]
Mode0 (Count = 359)


The above graph is known as a histogram. A historgram counts the number of occurrences of a particular value, or range of values, in a data set. For example, in your data set the value 0 occurs 359 times. The colored ticks along the bottom indicate the position of the mean, median and mode for your data set.